Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Boys & girls, here's a new thing!
First in a series that I'm now posting entitled "Komiks" which is the Filipino way of spelling "Comics"
...also, if you don't know already, there's a really healthy genre of Filipino comic strips & books with an extensive history and a very vibrant current scene.
Feel free to share if you know of any good titles or artists!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

One of the most bizarre films ever made...

Stills of this film have surfaced recently on design blogs like
...and I've seen grainy stills in old film history books from the 70's.
So, it was with great anticipation when Netflix graciously sent it over in one piece to our apartment (we've received chipped Netflix DVD's in the past - hey, it's Ghettoflix, what else?) and Anila & I spent a cold Sunday afternoon underneath a warm blanket watching this epic hallucination known as "The Holy Mountain (La montaƱa sagrada)" (1973)
Directed by everyone's favorite eccentric Polish-Mexican director Alejandro Jodorowsky this movie was relentless in layering images that would make the throats of Sarah Palin fans parched from screaming "Sacrilege!"

Though I'm not a fan of "shock for shock's sake" since I do appreciate a good story more than fancy backdrops & effects, this film, however, just had the right amount of chutzpah to keep each scene interesting & well paced. It also had enough naked amputee midgets & frog/lizard explosions that would guarantee it never EVER being made in today's film market.
Hey, it was also financed by John Lennon & Yoko Ono, so they had a great budget to make these huge, incredible sets, hundreds of hand-made props and a thousand extras!

If you do see it, please write to me to let me know what you think.
I'll reply saying that it's actually a very meaningful film...

P.S. I read that the director is currently working on a big surreal gangster epic with Marilyn Manson as a 300 year old about them apples, eh?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Hidden San Francisco

Welcome to Twenty-Ten, y'all!
Since the mural is now resting nicely, I'm now continuing this blog endeavor with items that deserve your full attention.
Thusly I I was walking thru Union Square this past weekend, there was that magical moment of when I happen to have a camera handy and I saw an image that was perfect for a shot.

Right in front of San Fran's other great meat palace (Tommy's Joynt is the other) that venerable institution known as Lefty O'Doul's happened to have their sidewalk delivery elevator open on O'Farrell and Powell.In all my years walking passed or even entering this joint I've never seen the elevator open. Not only do I really dig the signage (ya gotta love that tilting font!), but that hand-painted character is just great! How many hybrid chef/baseball players do YOU know?The character design & the line work is kinda "in" at the moment and there's just a bunch of copy-cats out there now (me included). But the mere fact that this is hidden underground most of the time and was hand-made by an anonymous artist just transcends all these concerns.