Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Squiggly lines & sillouettes

Hey, kids...here's a fun Step-by-Step chart of how I painted today's latest installments of the PFS Mural! Print one out and be the first kid to have one on your block...at your school, ashram, or yeshiva! Cool beans!Twas fun doing freehand squiggles and the large apostrophe shapes (the meaning of these things escapes me at the moment) It's a nice contrast from using stencils, and it was a pleasant release from doing straight lines like the hours spent on the Edwardian houses.
Heard of the forecast of rain for tomorrow & for the rest of the week, so I cranked out as much of the design as possible to keep Mean Mr. Rain at bay.

The original design had three large red circles between grad girl's head & the front wheel of the bicycle. (The reason for these circles also ran hastily out the door with the last meanings for the aforementioned items - conspiracy, perhaps?) But in translating the Illustrator rendering to the wall painting, certain elements had to be edited out or re-arranged. And, thus, to all you die-hard fans of large, enigmatic red circles, I regret to inform you that the red circles unfortunately will not make an appearance this evening (or any other evening on this mural)

Got hip to the news by my dear friend Jeph Folkins last night (while he was driving home from working as part of the camera crew for the NBC TV show "Trauma" which is all shot in San Francisco & the Bay Area), that I am painting on the side of the building where he & a bunch of buddies had an apartment together back in the late 80's/early 90's!
Tres coincidence, no?

I totally remember hanging out and doing what young kids in their early 20's do with Jeph, Matt, Cris, and Wes in that same building...almost 20 years ago! Well, it's one of those things that if you live in San Francisco long enough, you can write about these things in a blog like this.

Not having an iPod or even a little transistor radio up on the scaffolding, I listen to the sound of the birds that fly past, the drone of traffic planes above, and the washing machine of the apartment whose back patio is in plain view from the scaffolding and conference room.
However, now & then I get a song stuck in my head and today it was the song from the 1930's film "42nd Street" with the music numbers choreographed by one of my all time champs Busby Berkeley. It's worth every nickel of your time watching the whole sequence below...

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