Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Scaffolding came down today and then...

Had an "unveiling ceremony" when all the scaffolding was completely gone today.
I asked Charlie if the shades in the PFS conference room can stay closed while the scaffolding was being taken down. So, as soon as I let Charlie know that the guys were done, he gathered everyone together, then he and Mary opened the shades while everyone in the office cheered as the mural was revealed for the first time. That sure was fun!
Click image below to see what happened:
Here it is, folks, after all these weeks, I present to you the Pacific Foundation Services mural...
See it up close by clicking on each pic:
Deo gratias.

There were only these 3 guys to break down the scaffolding & haul it away. It took only 3 'coz this one guy alone was carrying 3 to 4 planks at a time! I can barely carry 3 thoughts in my head at the same time let alone carry 3 of those heavy planks!

Opening Reception Dec. 10, 2009 Thursday 4:30pm - ? The PFS office
Hey, if you're around town that time, come by for a little opening shindig for the mural. Let me know if ya can make it!
If you can come, maybe there'll be some dancing like this...


Cushion Works said...

Congratulations Ramon.

The mural looks great. You got it up in record time. Do you have a special appreciation of muralists now? Are there any more projects in the works???

Again, super job!

Tottenham homesteader said...

Hey Ramon - It looks great!!! Thank you for blogging the process.

Unknown said...

Hey Man, Looks pretty freakin' cool! Sorry I couldn't be there for the unveiling but I'm now dancing in my hot pant and shaking it! "OOooooooh!"

Gayle said...

Ramon- the mural looks AWESOME!!! Glad to see you finished it in one piece! :) Gayle

Anonymous said...

Ramon ... the mural is better than the doodles you used to place on the walls of St. John's about me "Eat at Al's diner". Lead singer in the "shake your pants" video looks like Vince Bosquez' african look alik.