Thursday, November 5, 2009

Trying to beat the rain

Just like a parade organizer in San Francisco, I always check the daily weather forecasts.
Saw there was a 20% chance of rain, but I climbed up the scaffolding & started working. While taping the water stencils on the mural wall, I kept looking up and witnessed the sky changing from puffy white cotton ball clouds to black, heavy clouds like the dark fluff from a vacuum cleaner bag (minus the hair - gross, dude!)

Whenever I check for rain, I always have this image (to the left) by Norman Rockwell pop up in my head. Even though I thought alot of his illustrations were kinda cheesy, his strong sense of silent storytelling left an indelible impression on me growing up.

Managed to take a shot of the impending dark clouds on my cell phone (without getting paint on it)
We're right in the beginning of the rain season here in the Bay Area and I think I've been really lucky so far. But, hey, got tarp covering my gear on the scaffolding, so like a boyscout, I came prepared!

Just when I was finishing the last stencil, I felt some drops on my whiskers, and I knew it was my cue to exit Stage Left. Just in time 'coz when I was climbing down the ladder, the rain started to give me a good marinade.

Well, despite of things, I managed to add a couple more elements today:

So far as I write this, the clouds have yet to unburden a huge load. In fact, it really hasn't rained hard since I got off of the scaffold. But, boy, those clouds still look like they're crossing their legs tightly waiting to go pee!

1 comment:

Tottenham homesteader said...

Nice one R! Great gig, and soooo cool to see you blogging the process. Chrissie Chris will have to send you a mix that you can paint to.